Redneck rampage sounds
Redneck rampage sounds

redneck rampage sounds

Leonard must open fridges, run machinery, climb hidden ladders, and ride concealed elevators. While shoot-outs are fun, a strong adventure element underscores the gameplay. The Reverand Horton Heat pumps out of jukeboxes in several parts of the game, and Mojo Nixon and The Beat Farmers are included on the game's soundtrack.


While Leonard can "take a quick pee" to sober up a bit, more obvious scatological gags fall flat - including the straining, splashing sound effects that start up whenever he nears a toilet.įarts aside, the game's sound effects are sharp, from the echoing crack of an automatic rifle report, to the crash of pins in the bowling alley, to Leonard's painful "ow!" when he's hit or bitten by a giant mosquito. Health is restored by drinking moonshine and cheap-ass whiskey - but watch your intake! Too much 'shine and you'll be lurching out of control. If Leonard dives into a well and swims along an underwater tunnel, he'll come up for air in the outhouse. Moon Pie snacks become Cow Pie power-ups, and Leonard has a repertoire of post-killing punchlines such as "You plays with the bull, ya gets the horns." Other touches of humor are more subtle. Xatrix Entertainment invested the time to load Redneck up with endless little in-jokes and details - the game is a rich, twisted parody of the deep south. Thanks to the Build engine, he can blow up cows, trash jukeboxes, smash windows, and generally leave destruction in his wake, just as Duke could. Our hero's arsenal includes weapons such as a scattergun, a dynamite crossbow, and a gun that launches ripsaw blades. He must find the skeleton keys that help him work his way to the nose-picking, crotch-adjusting Bubba and whap him upside the head with a crowbar to complete each level.

redneck rampage sounds redneck rampage sounds

The player sends Leonard into a sewage treatment plant, dairy, junkyard, mobile-home park (complete with a nasty tornado problem), and other locales. Though the tabloid alien-abduction plot feels a bit dated, there's more than enough splatter and gags to compensate. Vicious dogs attack without provocation, with the exception of one mutt that remains frozen in mid-leap until you get his attention with a bullet or crowbar. The aliens in the first few levels are chirping, feces-flinging gremlins, while the local yokels greet you with shotguns and rifles. In the opening scene, the Jim Varney-lookalike cocks his pistol and says he's "out to open up a can o' whup ass." His goal is to kill off the aliens who snatched a pig right out of the bed of his pickup and, it turns out, are starting their invasion of earth by cloning the moronic local folk. The backwoods deep south is near-universally the butt of jokes, and the game delivers them through the perspective of Leonard, the game's rampaging hero. This is a clever, fun, and challenging game with great characters, crisp sound effects, and inventive - though at times very frustrating - gameplay. But Redneck Rampage works on several levels - as a shooter, adventure, and humor title. Redneck Rampage packages the Duke Nukem 3D engine with a low-concept theme - invading aliens are cloning backcountry hicks - that could have very easily fallen apart. Just when it seemed that publishers had shipped every possible variant of the first-person 3D shooter, Interplay has pulled the genre from the swamp.Īnd they did it with redneck jokes.

Redneck rampage sounds